Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rop A Dope

San Diego Comic Convention, July 2007

The world is your playground when you're on vacation. Even a cart of queue ropes can bring out one's inner prop comic... unfortunately. On the other hand, may be this is the way to be the first in line to get Lou Ferrigno's autograph.

Against the Grain

San Diego Comic Convention, July 2007

Plank happens across some funny posters and comics, and stuff he can't quite figure out. Looks like the feeling is mutual.

Sappy to See You

San Diego Comic Convention, July 2007

Plank does his best Dean Trippe impersonation. It was like there were two of him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yours, Pine and Ours

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Stephanie and Steven try to get Plank to take sides on the infamous "Where do you want to eat" debate at the end of a long Comic Con Saturday.

Room and Board

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Jean Paul and Plank survived another day at SDCC, and decompress and trade stories back at the hotel.


San Diego, CA, July 2007

Plank and Kevin getting a little rowdy. The anticipation of seeing Iron Man sneek peeks can do that.

Oakey Dokey

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Alan and friend pause before a fun-packed Saturday at Comic Con.

Leave a Message

San Diego, CA, July 2007

"You'll never guess who I met at Comic Con," reports Margeaux who ran into Plank in the lobby of the convention center.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Distinguished Panelling

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Plank's close encounter with he who was like a father to him, Danny Antonucci.

Danny and company were swept away by a throng of Ed fans, while Plank had to run off to a LOST panel or something. Maybe they will connect another time.

Board Game

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Plank hangs around with Atlantan co-worker, Matt at the Cartoon Network pavilion, where the network premiered the massive multi-player online game (MMOG), Fusion Fall.

Living Shingle

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Darren turns to the super heroic efforts of his best pal to stave of the paparazzi.

Walking the Plank

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Allen and Plank let escape their inner geeks in anticipation of the Con.

Oh, and I really can't promise I'll never use this headline again. Why deny myself the pun and enjoyment? In fact, I've got lots more.

San Diego Comic Convention International

San Diego, CA, July 2007

Plank and company descend on The San Diego Convention Center Wednesday afternoon. Things look calm now, but there are four days of comics, fantasy and entertainment media, en masse and minutia, waiting to envelope half the city.

Hey, is that Batman!? Naw, must have been a shadow.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

No Place Like Home

Atlanta, GA, March 2007

Plank and co-worker Dawn pause for a nice picture before the prom. Just kidding - there's no dancing at Cartoon Network.

Lap Dance

Atlanta, GA, March 2007

Plank returns to the Cartoon Network's home base of Atlanta, GA March 2007, and spends quality time with Enjolie.